Monday, 31 October 2022

Domestixperiments of Samhuinn

"Samhain is the dark phase of the year's cycle when the mystery of transformation occurs. This process involves a descent and a death of something old in preparation for something new to be reborn. The descent into the Underworld or Otherworld can be understood as a journey into the unconscious and the spirit reals within each of us. The seeds of our ideas and future direction in life are incubated in our unconscious during the winter months, ready for rebirth in the spring. We can honour the cycle by being aware that each end and death of the old will bring opportunity for a new start as each beginning holds within it an end. This endless cycle of change is necessary, bringing renewal of cells, of ourselves, our understanding and our ideas. It means there are always new opportunities to start again, to stay healthy. Many illnesses are rooted in stuck energy patterns, emotional congestion, and hanging on to the past."

Glennie Kindred, from Sacred Celebrations: A Sourcebook. Gothic Image Publications (2001).

Saturday, 1 October 2022

Wet Leg: Chaise Longue (French Version, 2022)

With a track called Chaise Longue, it makes sense to have a French version, but it should've been recorded first, right?