I must say in a highly
fawning and cloying way that I think Carolyn Jones as Morticia from
the Addam's Family was a woman of unsurpassed beauty and demure
elegance. With that revelation out of the way it is no surprise that
I was googling images of said icon, some of which have innocently
crept into this blog. What was a surprise (to me), as I was looking
through her images when I came across a colour photograph of her, and
I inwardly thought "Hmm heterochromatosis in the digestive zones
of her iris; I wonder if she suffered constipation?" I realise
this is not a normative thought process, but given my professional
proclivities, I will seek to explain all. What was quite a staggering
surprise is that after suspecting Carolyn Jones had lower bowel
issues from looking at her eyes in photographs, I discovered she had
died, bravely and tragically as it happens, of colon cancer at the
age of 53.

The great naturopath
and iridologist Bernard Jensen said "Death begins in the colon"
and did a great deal of work to link iridology with toxic states of
the colon, both clinically and in his educative work. As a
naturopath, he was firmly of the opinion that systemic constipation
(accumulation of mucus and morbod matter in the lower bowel) was a
primary cause of autointoxication, oxiditive stress, mesotrophy, and
failure of the organism to contend with metabolic homeostatic
demands; the allosteric load postulated by functional medicine
practitioners today. This is the milieu from which cancers arise. Below is Jensen's reflex iris map. For our
purposes, it is only necessary to note the two innermost concentric
zones are the site of the gastrointestinal reflexes.

Heterochromatosis is
the condition whereby the inner zones demonstrate a different (usualy
darker) colour than the outer zones. It is a pigmentation of the
central part of the iris, around the pupil and colarette. The colour
may be brown, yellow, or orange. In such a location it can indicate
tendency for digestive disturbances. Below are a couple of irides
(not of Carolyn Jones) to illustrate heterochromatosis in the
digestive zones. It's not an uncommon trait, but coupled with other adverse immune weaknesses and inflammatory states (which we don't have the detail to see in Carolyn Jones's photos), it can be problematic.

A central heterochromia
is a genetic marking & multidimensional sign, in this case the
orange pigment located within the internal collarette, pupillary zone
and pigmented throughout the collarette border have a tendency to
gastrointestinal disturbances, bowel irregularity, systemic
constipation, family history of blood sugar imbalance, emotional
stress of fear & betrayal. It is interesting to note during her
career hiatus, Carolyn Jones took to writing her only book which was
a poisonous diatribe against certain characters within the Hollywood
community, and the heartlessness of the movie industry generally.
I have reproduced a
couple of the best (that is most illustrative) colour photographs of
Carolyn Jones, which indicate her heterochromatosis. There are
several other photos which are of sufficient quality but appear to have been photo- edited to
remove this charming but pathological feature. Notwithstanding the
misfortune they convey, I think her eyes are utterly beguiling. Their
tragedy and beauty call to me from the other side. Eyes truly are
windows to the soul.